Service and Maintenance

Service and Maintenance Forklift

Performing a fast general inspection for all models of forklift, including diesel, LPG, and electric forklifts, is crucial for ensuring the safety and optimal performance of the equipment. Some key areas to check during an inspection include the condition of the tires, brakes, and steering mechanism, as well as the hydraulic system, mast assembly, and safety features such as seat belts and backup alarms. It’s also important to inspect the battery and charging system for electric forklifts, as well as the fuel system for diesel and LPG forklifts. Regular inspections can help identify potential issues early on and prevent costly breakdowns or accidents.

Fast service

General Check up which is the examination of the condition of the unit as a whole.

Contract Service

Recommend and plan unit repairs.

Affordable prices


Expert Team

Our team of experts will be able to quickly identify the most suitable machine for your company, and guide you to find out the details of the benefits and requirements needed.

Affordable services

Early detection of damage to the Lift Truck / free analysing unit.

Always open

we have a 24 hour service, which can help you meet the needs of your company.

Operations and services

forklift routine service to maintain the performance of the forklift engine

Why Choose Our Forklift Service and Maintenance Contract

There are numerous compelling reasons to opt for our forklift service and maintenance contract. Here are just a few of the key advantages:

1. Predictable Budgeting for Repairs and Maintenance

With our service contract, you gain the assurance of predictable monthly expenditure for your forklift fleet’s repairs and maintenance. No more worrying about unexpected, expensive repairs that strain your budget.

2. Minimized Downtime

Downtime can be a significant drain on your business’s productivity and profitability. Our service and maintenance contract ensures that your forklifts are consistently in optimal working condition, reducing the risk of unexpected breakdowns that result in costly downtime.

3. Priority Service

We understand that time is money in the business world. Our service contract includes priority service, which means that when you require repairs or maintenance, you’re moved to the front of the queue. This swift attention can save you valuable time and financial resources in the event of any issues.

Successful stories

We have conducted repairs in all areas of Jabodetabek and have established a loyal customer base who have been working with PT Araki Solusi Indonesia

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